
作者:  webmaster     日期:  2014-07-28 10:59:34

2009级硕博连读生 王邦安





虽然淅沥的小雨调皮地扰乱了我们的行程,但随着大会的开幕,我们全然忘了阴天无法欣赏窗外的美景。开会的第一天,当这次参会的诺贝尔获得者们列队进入会场时,大家欢呼着,鼓掌着,探着脑袋不肯错过任何一个熟悉而又陌生的面孔。而那位我非常崇拜的Oliver Smithies教授也慢慢地走入会场,虽然有些步履蹒跚,但精神头儿很足,面带微笑地和大家挥手。我的视线也随着他在会场中移动,就像向日葵转动着花盘渴望吸收阳光。89岁高龄的Smithies教授作为基因打靶的鼻祖,奠定了遗传操作的基础思路。而我也刚刚学习该项技术,所以对他的报告格外感兴趣。为了更清晰更近距离接触这些科学大牛们,在会议的每一天我们都早早来到会场,抢占有利位置,守着位置等候着。也正是因为这样,坐在前排的我期盼着和Smithies教授的交流早一天到来。就在第二天的会议前,我不经意间侧身发现:Smithies教授正准备坐到离我只有两米距离的位置。我暗自高兴,激动,待他坐下妥当后,便鼓起勇气带着纸笔上前问候。我们聊了聊科研,表达了对他的敬仰,他也静静地听着我做的课题。他比想象中的还要和蔼,即使我蹩脚的英语有时没有表达清楚,他也是耐心地听着,并及时给予回应。在接下来顺利得到了合影和签名后,很少发照片的我也在网上第一时间分享了那份喜悦和激动,恨不得立马将他的签名装裱起来。





World Cup of Science in Lindau

Bangan Wang

This is a grand event where we have totally 37 Nobel Prize winners present; this is a journey, a pilgrimage to feel the spirit of science; this is a recall, a celebration which 29 doctoral candidates will never forget; this is the Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting, an opportunity we may only have once in a lifetime.

On February 24th 2014, I was so happy to receive an e-mail from Mrs. Zhu of Sino-German Center which was to invite me to attend the 64th Nobel Laureate Meeting. From that moment on, I was excited about the journey. Lindau brought together elites in biomedical fields across the country. We had become familiar with each other on the Internet before we finally met in Beijing on June 26th 2014. We would set up the 10th Lindau community to represent China to learn in Germany, which was such an honor that all of us were so excited about the trip. The next day, we flied to Munich from Beijing.

On the first day of the convention, people cheered up and applauded when the Nobel laureates entered. All of us leaned forward, excited to see the laureates for the first time. As for me, I couldn’t move my eyes from professor Oliver Smithies, whom I admire the most. The 89 years old professor is the originator of gene targeting, laid the foundation for the idea of genetic manipulation. As a beginner using this technology, I was extremely interested in his report. In order to get close to these gurus of science, we came to the venue early everyday to get a good position. I was hoping I could communicate with professor Smithies sooner. Then on the next day, I saw the professor in a closer seat to me, I took up my courage and paid him my respect. And then we started to talk about scientific research. I told him about my project and he listened and responded patiently in spite of my poor English. I even got his signature and took a photo with him. As a person who seldom posts pictures online, I was so excited that I couldn’t wait to uploaded our photo immediately and have his signature framed up.

We spent our time in all kinds of scientific reports on the following days. We listened to every report carefully even if it was an unfamiliar field. We wouldn’t miss even one sentence because maybe the next line is gonna lead the future scientific development. Finally on the last day of the conference, Professor Smithies gave his report, which was also the last one of the meeting in Lindau, entitled "Where Do Ideas Come From? ". Beginning with the river in his hometown, he linked the four Nobel Laureates together in a humorous way. Then he talked about research experience, his mentor and how his childhood influenced his scientific research, etc. From him, we can see that new ideas about science are not always develop along the scheduled path, but derive from reading good literature, love of science and constant endeavor. After the report, he stepped off the stage in bursts of applause. At that moment, I almost choked, but still kept the hand clapping. If applause could keep the guru longer, then it would never stop. The professor smiled at the audience and left, but the applause lingered on. It was not only for his extraordinary achievement, but for his tough and powerful heart, his enthusiasm for science and his inspiration and motivation for the new generation.

After the meeting, the visits to the research institutes made us understand more about scientific research. We also visited colleges and some cultural heritage. What impressed me most was Mr. Zhao’s explain on idealism after we visited the Munich painting exhibition. The two weeks gathering is not only listening to the masters’ experience, but to share and communicate with other students about our common confusions and loneliness in pursuing science. But finally, we learn that we are not alone and we get the courage to continue our pursuit.